Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Day 4

Work today, so mainly stitching in the train to and from work. The project for the train (and car whilst a passenger) is my blue and white postage stamp quilt of one inch pieces.

In January this year I set myself a goal (not a New Year's resolution) to try and sew at least one half hour each day. I have managed to achieve my goal most days and I have recorded what I have achieved each day, in a most appropriate book:

This is proving to be a very useful exercise as I do not like to have an entry 'no sewing', and aim to have at least 'planning next quilt'.

1 comment:

Rachaeldaisy said...

What a great idea to record your sewing achievements every day. A blue and white postage stamp will look wonderful, and the perfect size project for in the train.